Dogs are the most loyal, the most trustworthy friends to humans. So, of course, we want to bring our closest friends to everywhere we go. It is easy and convenient to take them with you when you choose to travel by car, but kayaking with a dog? It will require more than some simple steps. And how can we bear looking at their sorrowful eyes while being left on the shore when we paddle away?
Having a dog in your adventure gives you more benefits than risks. Most dogs are not afraid of getting wet and can swim if they need to. They never complain when the journey gets longer and more challenging. They provide a perfect balance for the kayak. When you stop somewhere on the way, they are the greatest to cuddle in a tent or play on the shore.
While most dogs feel comfortable in the water, some just don’t. Some, just like people, can be hydrophobic and you can’t realize that until you see your dog freak out at the moment he/she see the lake or river. If your dog shows clearly that he/she hate the kayak, don’t force him/her. You’d better leave the hound at home because no one wants to be on board with a freaked out dog.
Even if your dog seems fine with water, you should let him or her make acquaintance with the kayak and the concept of floating. Kayak is a huge thing in the eyes of a dog, so it can terrify him/her. It takes time, of course. You must be consistent, patients, and loving. Make your doggy feel safe in the boat before putting it on the water. One suggestion is that you should leave the kayak in your house and let the dog get used to it for a few days prior to the trip.
2. Proper pet training A kayak trip is often calming, but something unexpected may happen. That’s why dogs need training in advance. Even in the flattest area of water, if your hound is lack of basic training, you guys can get into big BIG trouble.
Some basic commands you should get the grip are to tell him/her to be on board, to lay down, to stay calm, and to stick around you when you guys are on the shore. New commands can be easily forgotten if your dog gets too scared or hyperactive, so you should spend much time on training, in a long time prior to the trip.
3. Poop! Someone help! What should you do if your dog wants to go on business in the middle of the kayaking trip? Well, tell him to hold it until you reach the shore; and it is only possible when you can give him basic commands. Don’t let him “just do it” inside the kayak, because it will definitely ruin your holiday, and it is hard to clean the mess as well as remove the odor.
When your dog finishes the business on the shore, pick the poop up and bury it more than 200 feet from the water or camping area. You may want to bring along a plastic container to carry the poop bags.
4. Your dog’s specific features
A hound’s features depend largely on its breed. Some breeds feature over-exciting dogs, some don’t. You can also notice your dog’s behavior over the time living together. Calmer dogs need less time to adapt to the kayak and floating over the water, they know how to relax and enjoy the journey. Some of the group can be named are Husky, Golden Retriever, etc. A Chihuahua, on the other hand, can be triggered easily by the change of rapid, sudden weather events, and animal encounters; unless you have a good grip on him.
The size of your dog does matter. Your huge hound, when getting overwhelmed, can make the kayak capsize more easily. Dogs of from 30 to 50 pounds are suitable for a relaxing, uneventful trip.
5. Your hound’s essential gear Don’t forget to bring a life jacket for your dog. Although he or she might know how to swim, it is still dangerous if the river’s flow gets too rapid. A leash is also unforgettable because you will need it when you guys stop on the way. Your dog can get water to drink if the location you choose to have a kayak trip is a river of a lake. But, when it’s the sea, remember to take your pup’s drinking bowl and treat him/her with freshwater.
If you plan to have a night outside in the camp, you should have something your dog’s similar with. Dogs are sensitive, and some of them may get stressed when put in a strange environment. Having his/her favorite blanket or sleeping in the tent you often set up in the garden is a good idea. Bringing the toys your dog often plays with is brilliant, too. Your precious friend will be easier to push around if he/she know there will be play time later.
There is a brilliant thing called personal floatation device (PFD), specially made for dogs. You should buy one and put it on your cute companion in case he/she jumps out of the kayak. Besides helping the dog float, the device features a convenient handle on the top so you can pick your hound back into the kayak. Even if he/she is too large to be picked by hand, you already have something to help steer him/her to where you want.
6. Traction on the boat It can be dangerous if your hound loses his/her balance and rolls off the kayak. You can avoid the unfortunate accident by creating a holding pad so your dog can grip onto with his/her claws. Make it fixed where you want to put your furry companion in. The pad should be made of foam or sponge.
You can also customize the kayak so it can fit your dog. If your furry friend is too small compared to the sitting space, stuff it with a few foam pad. It will reduce the chances of falling, and make your hound feel safer.
Conclusion In sum, you have to do much more in the preparation stage if you want to take your dog on the kayak. Ask for his/her permission first, bring needed things, start from flat water, and be prepared for unexpected events. As we all know, no pain no gain. There are many joyful experiences to wait when you bring your dog along on a kayak trip. Think about the cozy moment of cuddling with your hound in a tent while admiring the waterfront scenery, you will see the complicated preparation before going totally justifiable.
That’s all you need to know about kayaking with a dog until some smart guys come up with more brilliant ideas. Remember to be loving, caring, and patient with your furry friend. Things happen, so he/she can create a mess. But they are our lovely mess, so accept them with your whole heart.
nhamypham replied
323 weeks ago